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Junior Honor Choir Cancelled for 2021

Hello SD-ACDA Friends,

As many of you know, we have been discussing the 2021 Junior Honor Choir event at length and explored several options. While we entertained having a one day event, originally to be held in Pierre, that opportunity fell through. Due to the uncertainty of this time, the administration at Pierre Riggs High School is unable to commit to any outside organizations, that are not directly associated with the Pierre School District. Trying to keep the honor choir event in the middle of the state was an important factor, as this limited travel time for all South Dakota students due to the central location.

There were 63 responses to the SD-ACDA Junior Honor Choir survey that was emailed out at the beginning of August. Out of the 63 responses, 20 (31.7%) voted to hold the one day event, and 43 (68.3%) voted to cancel the 2021 event. After further discussion today, the SD-ACDA Executive Board, and the SD Junior Honor Choir board, voted unanimously to cancel SD Junior Honor Choir for 2021.

We are excited to inform you that we are still planning a virtual directors conference during that weekend of Jan. 22 and 23, 2021. More information will be forthcoming and will allow participants to earn credit, and attend sessions with the capability of sessions being recorded.

Thank you for your patience and commitment to the students of South Dakota as we venture into this new year. As we all know, these times and decisions are difficult and are not taken lightly. I truly wish you all blessings and the best possible plans as you begin your year. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions to myself or our SD-ACDA leadership.

Take care and stay healthy!



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